Dear Readers,
It is with great pride,
that we announce to you all the...
“Indian Journal for Research in Law & Legal Procedures"
IJRLLP is an open accessed, qualitatively reviewed and high-grade resource arena dedicated to publishing prominent research papers & articles annually (i.e. once a year). Furthermore, IJRLLP welcomes submissions for its forthcoming issue and welcomes contributions from law students, educators, and researchers on different contemporary issues of law. (READ MORE)
Title: Indian Journal for Research in Law & Legal Procedures
Frequency: Annual
Publisher: Bharat Singh, (Adv.)
Chief-Editor: Dr. Syamala Kandadai
Copyright: Indian Journal for Research in Law & Legal Procedures
Starting Year: 2022
Subject: Law
Language: English
Publication Format: Online
Email ID: ijrllp@gmail.com
Website: www.ijrllp.com
Address: Plot No. 138, Sector 5, Vaishali (Ghaziabad)- 201010

Our Editorial Policy
Submission Guidelines
IJRLLP has been initiated with a dynamic viewpoint and contemplates discussion on widely ranged legal issues in the domain of Constitutional Laws, Intellectual Property Laws (IPR), Civil & Criminal Laws, Corporate laws and procedures, Arbitration & Conciliation laws, International laws, Property laws, Tort law and much more.
We encourage law students, educators, and researchers to compose papers on different contemporary issues and capture the recent drifts in law. IJRLLP welcomes articles, short notes, book reviews, and case commentaries for its forthcoming issue.